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Melanin Applications


Properties and Applications

Melanin is a pigment with remarkable properties

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UV Protection
  • Melanin blocks UV rays. Its strong UV-B protecting capability, antioxidant and anti-ageing properties prevent skin damage, making it a promising constituent for dermatology and cosmetic applications like sunscreens. 

  • Its safe pigmentation qualities allow it to be incorporated into natural hair dyes and vitiligo creams

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Radiation Protection
  • Melanin blocks ionizing radiation, such as x-rays and gamma rays.

  • Melanin has enormous potentials for use as drug to protect against radiotoxicity, and as protective gear in medicine, nuclear installations and aerospace

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Solar Fuel Cell
  • Melanin has the promise of being the future in electricity generation in many fields.

  • It has the property of splitting hydrogen and oxygen in water, in the presence of sunlight, making it a probable  option in the development of fuel cells.

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Low Cost Batteries
  • Sodium and Magnesium ion batteries are low cost alternative to Lithium ion batteries. Magnesium and Sodium Ion batteries  are not rechargeable. 

  • Recently researchers have developed a rechargeable  Magnesium and Sodium ion batteries using melanin as a cathode.

  • The high cost of melanin presently available has prevented its use in battery technology.

  • By virtue of its low cost of production, Avisa Myko’s melanin has potentials for use in battery technology in the form of a cathode.

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Organic Semi Conductor
  • Melanin is one of the rare Organic Semi Conductor. It is both , a ion and a electron conducting biomaterial . 

  • Electric current in electronics is carried by the electrons where as in biological systems the electric current is carried by ions.

  • Melanin is able to ‘talk' to both electronic and ionic control circuitry providing  a new way of interfacing conventional electronics to biological systems.

  • Melanin is one of the very few materials that meet these compatible bioelectronic requirements.

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