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Natural Soluble Melanin

A Multifunctional  Super Material from Avisa Myko

Melanin is Nature’s gift to life on Earth. Melanin is a natural black pigment responsible for the color of human skin and hair. Melanin protects living organisms from the harmful effects of ultraviolet solar radiation . 


Avisa Myko brings you affordable, soluble, natural true, eumelanin for multiple uses that contribute to better health and environment.



Properties and Applications

Melanin is a pigment with remarkable properties

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UV Protection
  • Melanin blocks UV rays. Its strong UV-B protecting capability, antioxidant and anti-ageing properties prevent skin damage, making it a promising constituent for dermatology and cosmetic applications like sunscreens. 

  • Its safe pigmentation qualities allow it to be incorporated into natural hair dyes and vitiligo creams

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Radiation Protection
  • Melanin blocks ionizing radiation, such as x-rays and gamma rays.

  • Melanin has enormous potentials for use as drug to protect against radiotoxicity, and as protective gear in medicine, nuclear installations and aerospace

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Solar Fuel Cell
  • Melanin has the promise of being the future in electricity generation in many fields.

  • It has the property of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of sunlight, making it a probable option in the development of melanin based solar fuel cells.

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Low Cost Batteries
  • Sodium and Magnesium ion batteries are low cost alternative to Lithium ion batteries.

  • Magnesium and Sodium Ion batteries  are not rechargeable. Recently researchers have developed a rechargeable Magnesium and Sodium ion batteries using melanin as a cathode.

  • The high cost of melanin presently available has prevented its use in battery technology.

  • By virtue of its low cost of production, Avisa Myko’s melanin has potentials for use in battery technology in the form of a cathode.

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Organic Semi Conductor
  • Melanin is one of the rare Organic Semi Conductor. It is both , a ion and a electron conducting biomaterial. 

  • Electric current in electronics is carried by the electrons where as in biological systems the electric current is carried by ions.

  • Melanin is able to ‘talk' to both electronic and ionic control circuitry providing  a new way of interfacing conventional electronics to biological systems. Melanin is one of the very few materials that meet these compatible bioelectronic requirements.

About us

Avisa Myko is focused on manufacturing water soluble, affordable melanin and putting it to use in a wide range of applications that benefit human health and environment.  These applications include, among others, protection against ionizing radiation and electricity generation.

Avisa Myko’s Melanin

Partner Us

Avisa Myko’s patented technology to produce large amounts of soluble melanin puts it in the forefront of true, or eumelanin production.  Our melanin is produced in a dissolved state, extracted to a high level of purity and is easily redissolved, facilitating applications in a variety of industries.

Avisa Myko welcomes partnerships to develop applications in the following areas.


Avisa Myko plans to incorporate its unique water-soluble melanin in a range of skin care products, such as sunscreens, skin coloring and anti-ageing agents.


Radiation shield:

Avisa Myko plans to incorporate melanin in materials, such as latex products, fabrics, laminated plastic sheets and glass to protect against harmful radiation. 



Avisa Myko’s wishes to develop drugs to prevent or mitiginate gamma radiation toxicity, based on its highly successful preliminary studies with the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India.

Bioelectricity and Fuel Cells


Organic Semiconductors and Bio Sensors : 

Avisa Myko is open to initiate joint development for the production of continuous thin films from Melanin for different device configurations, including chemical-sensors, next- generation and a range of other detectors and Biosensors .

Scientific Advisory Board


Prof. Howard Maibach

Professor, Dermatology

School of Medicine,


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  • Member on the   USFDA  New Drug Application ( NDA  )   review board.

  • Expert in  dermto-toxicology   with over 1700 articles in scientific journals.

  • Serves on the editorial boards of over 30 scientific journals.

Prof. Kate Dadachova

Professor of  Radiopharmacy,

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

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  • Pioneered the development of melanin-based radioprotectors for cancer patients, soldiers  and astronauts .

  • Pioneered the treatment of infectious diseases including  HIV with radiolabeled antibodies  (radioimmunotherapy). 

  • Earlier she was  Professor of Radiology, Microbiology and Immunology in the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, USA,

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Our Team 

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Mark Goldstein 

Chairman, Avisa Myko

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Ravi Adgulwar

Co-Founder and CEO 

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  • General Management  experience in Specialty Chemicals and Nutraceuticals  Ingredients industry in manufacturing and business development  mostly with Tata Chemicals ltd, India . 

  • Commercialized ( From Lab to Market ) the oligosaccharide technology (FOS and GOS ) for Tata Chemicals

  • Established the Nutraceutical Ingredients business for Tata Chemicals

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Sheshagiri Raghukumar PhD

Co-Founder and CSO

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  • Innovator of this technology . Mycologist and Marine Microbiologists. 

  • 45 years of experience with National   Institute of Oceanography (NIO),Goa, India and Institute for Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

  • Authored an Internationally selling book: “Fungi in Coastal and Oceanic Marine Ecosystems.

  • Honoring his work in mycology, a newly discovered fungi genus   was named after him as raghukumaia gennov and a new a species as Saccardoella Raghukumarii .sp

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